John Osteen: The Inspiring Father Behind Joel Osteen’s Ministry

joel osteen father
John Osteen, the visionary father who laid the foundation for Joel Osteen's global ministry.

Have you ever wondered about the roots of Joel Osteen’s powerful ministry? Well, it all starts with his dad, John Osteen. John was a big deal in the Christian world, and he set the stage for Joel’s success.

John Osteen was born in 1921 and became a pastor in Houston, Texas. He started Lakewood Church, which is now super famous. Joel, his son, grew up watching his dad preach and learned a lot from him.

The father-son thing in ministry is pretty cool. It’s like passing down a family business, but instead of selling stuff, they’re sharing faith. John taught Joel everything he knew about being a pastor. This helped Joel become the inspiring speaker he is today.

John Osteen’s Early Life and Calling

John Osteen didn’t always plan to be a pastor. He was born in a small town called Paris, Texas. As a kid, he went to regular school and didn’t think much about church stuff.

But then, something big happened. When John was 17, he felt God calling him to be a minister. It was like a lightbulb moment! He decided to change his whole life and follow this calling.

John went to college at John Brown University and later studied at Northern Baptist Seminary. He learned all about the Bible and how to be a good pastor. This education helped him become the great preacher he was meant to be.

Founding of Lakewood Church

Starting a church isn’t easy, but John Osteen was up for the challenge. In 1959, he and his wife Dodie started Lakewood Church in an old feed store in Houston. Can you imagine? They only had 90 people at first!

But John didn’t give up. He worked hard and kept preaching. Slowly but surely, more people started coming. The church grew and grew. They had to move to bigger buildings a few times.

Under John’s leadership, Lakewood Church became huge. By the 1990s, thousands of people were coming to hear him preach every week. John’s positive message and friendly style made people want to listen.

John Osteen’s Preaching Style and Message

John Osteen had a special way of preaching. He didn’t just talk about rules or scary stuff. Instead, he focused on God’s love and how faith can make life better. People really liked this positive approach.

Some of the big themes in John’s preaching were:

• God loves everyone

• Faith can change your life

• You can overcome tough times

• It’s important to help others

John’s style of preaching was pretty new at the time. He helped make evangelical preaching more upbeat and encouraging. Lots of other pastors started copying his style because it worked so well.

Mentoring Joel: A Father’s Guidance

Joel Osteen didn’t just wake up one day and decide to be a pastor. His dad, John Osteen, helped him every step of the way. As a teenager, Joel started helping out at Lakewood Church. He did behind-the-scenes jobs, like running the TV cameras.

John saw that his son had a special gift for speaking and connecting with people. So, he began teaching Joel everything he knew about being a pastor. John Osteen, as Joel’s father and mentor, showed him how to prepare sermons, speak in front of crowds, run a big church, and help people with their problems.

John was like a coach for Joel. He gave his son chances to practice preaching and encouraged him to develop his own style. John didn’t just tell Joel what to do – he showed him by example. This kind of hands-on teaching was really important for Joel’s future success.

The father-son mentoring relationship between John and Joel Osteen helped shape the ministry we see today. It’s a great example of how important good guidance can be, especially when it comes from someone who cares about you and wants you to succeed.

The Transition: Passing the Torch

In 1999, John Osteen got really sick. He had been battling kidney problems for a while, and things weren’t looking good. The whole Osteen family and the Lakewood Church community were worried.

During this time, Joel had to step up. His dad asked him to preach for the first time. Joel was nervous, but he did it. And guess what? He did a great job! People loved his positive, easy-to-understand style.

Sadly, John Osteen passed away in January 1999. It was a tough time for everyone. But Joel knew he had to keep his dad’s work going. So, even though he was sad and scared, he became the new pastor of Lakewood Church.

John Osteen’s Lasting Impact

John Osteen left a big mark on Lakewood Church. He turned it from a tiny congregation in a feed store to one of the biggest churches in America. But his impact goes way beyond just numbers.

John created a welcoming, positive atmosphere at Lakewood. He made the church feel less stuffy and more like a family. This approach is still a big part of Lakewood’s identity today.

Joel’s ministry style is a lot like his dad’s. He focuses on hope, encouragement, and God’s love. But Joel has his own unique way of communicating these ideas. He’s taken what he learned from his dad and made it work for a new generation.

Continuing the Legacy: Joel Osteen’s Ministry Today

Joel Osteen has become super famous, just like his dad. But he does things a bit differently. Here are some ways Joel’s approach is similar to and different from his father’s:


• Positive, uplifting messages

• Focus on God’s love and grace

• Use of TV and media to reach people


• Joel’s style is more casual and conversational

• He uses more everyday examples in his sermons

• Lakewood Church is even bigger now, reaching millions online

Even though Joel has his own style, you can still see John’s influence. The core values of faith, hope, and helping others are still at the heart of Joel’s ministry. It’s like John planted a seed, and Joel has helped it grow into a huge tree.

Conclusion: The Power of a Father’s Example

John Osteen’s life shows us how one person can really make a big difference. He started with just a small church and a big dream. Through hard work and faith, he built something amazing. But you know what might be his biggest achievement?

It’s the impact he had on his son, Joel. As Joel Osteen’s father, John didn’t just tell his son what to do – he showed him by example. This kind of teaching, especially about faith and helping others, can change lives and even change the world.

So, what can we learn from John Osteen? Well, he teaches us to follow what we believe in, even when it’s tough. He shows us how to stay positive and focus on hope. John also reminds us to share what we know with others and try to build something that lasts longer than we do. If John’s story inspires you, why not think about how you can be a good influence on someone else?

Maybe you could help a younger kid or volunteer at a church. Even small acts of kindness can make a big difference.

Remember, great leaders don’t just do awesome things for themselves – they help other people be awesome too. That’s what John Osteen did, and it’s something we can all try to do in our own lives. His legacy isn’t just about what he achieved, but about how he helped others, especially his son Joel, to achieve greatness too. We can all try to follow this example in our own ways.

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